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業務流程重組基礎知識(英文版)(ppt 51頁)

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業務流程重組, 基礎知識, 英文版
業務流程重組基礎知識(英文版)(ppt 51頁)內容簡介

How the traditional organization works:
A triangle is used to represent an organization - the majority of people work lower down the organization and the management hierarchy extends all the way to the pinnacle.
The organization is made up of a number of sub-organization in the form of groups of specialists known as functions, each of which has its own management hierarchy.

Functional Hierarchy:
There are many different departments and people are recruited into one functional department;
Each department is responsible for undertaken one part of the whole tasks;
This chain of linked department allows for specialization;
This model is so widely established that it is rarely questioned.

The Weaknesses:
The focus of the organization can be the ‘boss’ not the customer;
No one has the control over the ‘horizontal’ process and co-ordination is weak;
No single point of contact;
Unproductive work exists because of functional boundaries which result in many tasks being done simply to satisfy the internal demands of the it’s own organization.

