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人力資本, 白皮書, 英文版
Dr. Charles E. Grantham, Founder, Institute for the Study of Distributed Work
Dr. Charles E. Grantham has over 20 years of experience in product development and market
research in both the computer and telecommunications industries. He is widely published in
technical journals and has four major books to his credit, including Communities of Commerce
(June 2000); The Future of Work (November 1999); Informatics, Organization and Society
(1993); The Digital Workplace: Designing Groupware Platforms (1993); and Socializing the
Human-Computer Environment (1990).
Grantham founded the Institute for the Study of Distributed Work ( www.isdw.com) in 1990 to
provide companies with reliable data and analysis about the attitudes and behavior of people
working in new kinds of work environments so that their businesses could reflect and respond to
changing customer requirements.
Prior to this, Grantham was an executive director of research and development for a Bell operating
company, a senior business analyst at a large computer manufacturer, and managing director of a
market research firm on the East Coast. He has held faculty appointments at several universities,
most recently as a visiting research fellow at the University of California at Berkeley, Fisher
Center for Management and Information Technology. He is also a founder of the Association for
Software Design.
Grantham holds a Ph.D. in Sociology, an M.S. in Urban Economics, and a B.S. in Psychology
from the University of Maryland.
KBN Content Development
KBN Content Development ( www.kbncd.com) creates customized content for companies in
industries ranging from technology and transportation to health care and energy. Based in the San
Francisco Bay Area, the
