值得借鑒--戰略管理(ppt 13頁)(中英文)
值得借鑒--戰略管理(ppt 13頁)(中英文)內容簡介
第三講 戰略匹配 Strategic Match
一、優勢和弱勢Strengths and Weaknesses
二、機會和威脅 Opportunities and Threats
三、戰略匹配 Strategic Match
一、優勢和弱勢Strengths and Weaknesses
1. 優勢Strengths
(1) 核心競爭力Distinctive competency (leverage): product design, low cost, high efficiency, leadership in product innovation, ability to influence legislation, control of cost and other, massive availability of capital, CRM-customer relations management.
Examples: Toyota—quality; Benz—image, IBM—service; Coca Cola—international brand recognition; HP—innovation; AT&T—technological expertise.
開發Developing a distinctive competency
利用Exploiting distinctive competency
保護Protecting distinctive competency