Ⅰ. Vocabulary and Structure (10 points,1 point for eachITem)
1. Should she come tomorrow, I _________ take her to the museum.
[A] can
[B] will
[C] would
[D] must
2. Many of us visITed the industrial exhibition, __________, to our disappointment, we saw very few high-tech(高技術)products.
[A] where
[B] which
[C] as
[D] that
3. There networks are on the __________ for warning signs that show the weakening of rock layers that can precede an earthquake.
[A] eagerness
[B] alarm
[C] alert
[D] guard
4. His name will be crossed out from the list _________ he makes the same mistakes again.
[A] if
[B] unless
[C] because
[D] though
5. WITh the sOAring of prices, a number of young college graduates cannot earn their living, ___________ supporting their parents.
[A] not to say
[B] to say nothing of
[C] not saying
[D] saying nothing of
6. _________ITwas raining, many international tourists were haying picnics in the woods.
[A] In spITe
[B] In spITe of
[C] In spITe of that
[D] In spITe of the fact that
7. The students would not have made so much progress under less ________ condITions.
[A] popular
[B] welcome
[C] favourable
[D] prosperous
8. Lots of empty beer bottles were found under the young man's bed; he ________ heavily.
[A] must have drunk
[B] must drink
[C] should drink
[D] had to drink
9. On the other hand concern is also growing about the possibilITy of a new economic order _________ resource-rich nations of the Third World would combine to set high commodITy prices.
[A] which
[B] what
[C] that
[D] in that