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IBM金融服務谘詢中英文(ppt 21頁)

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ibm, 金融服務谘詢, 中英文
IBM金融服務谘詢中英文(ppt 21頁)內容簡介

IBM’s End-to-End Methodology IBM 端到端方法 論
The Example used in the following slides is of a Bank setting up a new line- of- business – Payments and Cash Management
It illustrates our end-to-end methodology - from vision to business and IT solution and finally implementation.
The same methodology can be applied to a different line of business e.g. Loans, Trade Finance or the entire Corporate Bank family of products.
We can take a consulting recommendation from 30,000 feet and implement it at ground level
Example - Bank A‘s Vision 例:A銀行的期望
Back in Sep 2000 Bank A’s senior management team communicated the following reasons for changing its core payments system:-
To defend its dominant position in cross border and vostro clearing business.
To lay the infrastructure for building and growing its annuity income lines of business:
> Domestic local high-value clearing
> Cash Management
> e-Commerce
Convert Vision into Specific Objectives
Specifics goals 具體目標
- Start up new line-of-business
- Increase fee based annuity income to help declining margins in loans.
Approach 方法
- Centralized versus De-centralized ?
Constraints 製約條件
- Branch infrastructure.
- Communications network, bandwidth
- Solution (Business & IT)解決方案
- Select a funds transfer business application
- Overall fit into bank’s IT environment

