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珠寶行業Performance Management(ppt 51頁)

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珠寶行業, rman, ce, gem, en
珠寶行業Performance Management(ppt 51頁)內容簡介

珠寶行業Performance Management目錄:
一、Seminar Content
二、Why is Performance Management (工作表現管理製度) Important to Business Performance?
三、Performance Management - Current Trends(當前趨勢)
四、Performance Management - Core Principles(核心原則)
五、Performance Management - Interlinking Parts表現管理的互相緊扣的部份
六、Towards an Effective PM System邁向有效的表現管理製度
七、Measuring Outcomes (Results)如何評核工作成果 (效果)
八、Setting Objectives 建立目標
九、Defining Performance Standards製訂表現標準
十、Agreeing on Action Plan共同協議行動計劃

珠寶行業Performance Management內容提要:
Seminar Content
Why is PM Important to Business Performance?
What is PM?
The PM Cycle
Effective PM System
Identification of Individual Performance Measures
What is Balanced Scorecard?
Barriers in Strategic Management of Organizational Performance
How does a Balanced Scorecard Translate Company Strategy into Action?
Framework of a Balanced Scorecard Performance Measurement System
Action Required for Implementation of an Effective PM

What is Performance Management(工作表現管理製度) ?
“A process for establishing a shared understanding about what is to be achieved, and how it is to be achieved; an approach to managing people which increases the chance of achieving job-related success.”

Designing the Process 設計評估階段
Determine the purposes 確立目標
Develop the procedures 程序應包括 :
No. of forms 表格數目
What to be assessed 評核甚麼
Who should appraise 誰來評該
Appraisal period 評核期
Frequency of meetings 評核麵談的頻率
Linkage with pay 與薪酬的聯係。

