外商投資法規概述(ppt 71頁)
一. 法規概述
二. 立法背景
三. 《管理辦法》的主要內容和特點
四. 外資私募股權基金的契機?
由普通合夥人和有限合夥人組成, 普通合夥人對合夥企業債務承擔無限連帶責任, 有限合夥人以其認繳的出資額為限對合夥企業債務承擔責任
Limited Partnership Enterprise (“LPE” / “LLP”):
consisting of general partner(s) who assume unlimited, joint and several liability for the LPE’s debts, and limited partner(s) who assume limited liability for the LPE’s debts to the extent of capital contributions subscribed by such limited partner(s).
2個以上外國企業或者個人在中國境內設立合夥企業, 以及外國企業或者個人與中國的自然人、法人和其他組織在中國境內設立合夥企業
Foreign Invested Partnership Enterprise (“FIPE”):
partnership enterprises established by more than 2 foreign enterprises or individuals, or by foreign enterprise(s) or individual(s) with Chinese natural person(s), legal person(s) or other organization(s) in China