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科特勒新利体育取现 講義英文版(PPT 273頁)

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新利体育取现 講義, 英文版
科特勒新利体育取现 講義英文版(PPT 273頁)內容簡介
Course/Text Organization
Defining Marketing
Core Concepts of Marketing
Simple Marketing System
Structure of Flows
The Four Ps
Company Orientations Towards the Marketplace
Customer Delivered Value
Traditional Organization Chart
Customer-Oriented Organization Chart
Evolving Views of Marketing’s Role
Determinants of Customer Delivered Value
High Performance Business
The Generic Value Chain
Levi Strauss’ Value-Delivery Network
Satisfied Customers:
Levels of Relationship Marketing
Customer Development
Customer/Product Profitability Analysis
The Profit Triangle
Market-Oriented Strategic Planning
Corporate Headquarters Planning
Strategic-Planning, Implementation, and Control Process
Good Mission Statements:
The Boston Consulting Group’s Growth-Share Matrix
Market Attractiveness: Competitive- Position Portfolio Classification
The Strategic-Planning Gap
Three Intensive Growth Strategies: Ansoff’s Product/Market Expansion Grid
Opportunity Matrix
Threat Matrix
The McKinsey 7-S Framework
The Value-Delivery Process
The Marketing Plan
Factors Influencing Company Marketing Strategy
Defining the Problem & Research Objectives
Research Approaches
Secondary-Data Sources
The Marketing Research Process
Good Marketing Research:
Ninety Types of Demand Measurement (6 x 5 x 3)
Estimating Current Demand
Estimating Future Demand
Macroenvironmental Forces
Demographic Environment
Economic Environment
Social/Cultural Environment
Simple Response Model
Model of Buying Behavior
Cultural Factors
Social Factors
Influences on Consumer Behavior
Psychological Factors
Maslow’s Hierarchyof Needs
Four Types of Buying Behavior
Consumer BuyingProcess
Decision Making Sets
Steps Between Evaluation of Alternatives and a Purchase Decision
How Customers Use orDispose of Products
Business vs. Consumer Markets
Participants in the Business Buying Process
Major Influences on Industrial Buying Behavior
Organizational Factors
Five Forces Determining Segment Structural Attractiveness
Barriers and Profitability
Industry Competition
Strategic Groups in the Major Appliance Industry
Analyzing Competitors
Competitor’s Expansion Plans
Hypothetical Market Structure & Strategies
Defense Strategies
Optimal Market Share
Attack Strategies
Specific Attack Strategies
Steps in Market Segmentation, Targeting,and Positioning
Basic Market-Preference Patterns
Market-Segmentation Procedure
Bases for Segmenting Consumer Markets
Bases for Segmenting Business Markets
Effective Segmentation
Heavy and Light Users of Common Consumer Products
Additional Segmentation Criteria
Five Patterns of Target Market Selection
Segment-by-SegmentInvasion Plan
The BCG CompetitiveAdvantage Matrix
Product Differentiation
Services Differentiation
Image Differentiation
Perceptual Map
Sales & Profit Life Cycles
Four IntroductoryMarketing Strategies
Maturity Stage
Decline Stage
Market Evolution
Market-Fragmentation andMarket-Consolidation Strategies
Why New Products Fail
Challenges in NPD
New Product Development Process
Probability of Success
Concept Development & Testing
Product & Brand Positioning
Conjoint Analysis
Consumer-Goods Market Testing
Adopter Categorization of the Basis of Relative Time of Adoption of Innovations
Characteristics of the Innovation Rate of Adoption
Major Decisions in International Marketing
Challenges in Going Global
Criteria for Entry
Five Models of EntryInto Foreign Markets
Joint Venture
Internationalization Process
Five International Productand Promotion Strategies
Pricing Challenges
Whole-channel Concept for International Marketing
Marketing Organization
Components of the Market Offering
Five Product Levels
Consumer-Goods Classification
Product Mix
Product-Line Length
Two-Way Product-Line Stretch: Marriott Hotels
What is a Brand?
Brand Equity
An Overview ofBranding Decisions
Brand Strategies
Good Brand Names:
Why Package Crucial as a Marketing Tool
Categories of Service Mix
Three Types of Marketingin Service Industries
Service Differentiation
Service-Quality Model
Determinants of Service Quality
Importance-Performance Analysis
Complaint Resolution
Price - Quality Strategies
Pricing Methods
Some important pricing definitions
Promotional Pricing
Discriminatory Pricing
Industrial Marketing Channels
Customers’ Desired Service Levels
Causes of Channel Conflict
Four Levels of Retail Service
Logistics Systems
Transportation Modes
The Marketing Communications Mix
Message Problems
Effective Communications
Advertising Objectives
Advertising Budget Factors
Simplified Rating Sheet for Ads
Advertising Evaluation
Why the increase in Sales Promotion?
Channels of Sales Promotions
“Deal Proneness,”Liechtenstein, Burton, & Netemeyer, Journal of Retailing, Summer 1997
Trade Promotions
Business-to-Business Promotion

