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食品加工未來的發展方向(英文)(pdf 18頁)

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食品加工, 發展方向
食品加工未來的發展方向(英文)(pdf 18頁)內容簡介
n the recent past, Food Technology published a number of articles in
which experts in food science and technology described what they
expected to happen in their areas of expertise over the next few years.
In “Research Priorities Move Toward Healthy and Safe” (December 2000,
p. 42), 38 chief research officers of major food companies discussed the
research areas that their departments are involved in, and in “A Look
Into the Future of Food Science & Technology” (January 2002, p. 46),
representatives of each of IFT’s 26 Divisions told what they foresee
happening in their respective Division’s area of expertise over the next
few years.
To vary the source of experts even further this year, I asked the scientific
editors responsible for peer review of research papers in the Institute of
Food Technologists’ journals—Journal of Food Science, Journal of Food Science
Education, and Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety—
to tell what food research they see—and foresee—in their areas of expertise.
In this article, 34 of the editors provide their views (arranged alphabetically
by author and journal), and Owen Fennema, IFT’s Editor-in-
Chief, IFT Scientific Journals, provides an introduction. The result is a
comprehensive overview of the state of research in all aspects of food science
and technology—including education, which is obviously the starting
point for all food research. I hope you find it interesting and stimulating.……
