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電子商務VS傳統商務(ppt 61頁)

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電子商務, 傳統商務
電子商務VS傳統商務(ppt 61頁)內容簡介

Learning Objectives學習目標
Purchasing, Logistics, and Support Activities 采購—物流—支持活動
5.2.1 Purchasing Activities采購活動
Purchasing Activities采購活動
5.2.3 Logistic Activities物流活動
5.2.4 Support Activities支持活動
Training and Knowledge Management培訓與知識管理
5.2.5 E-Government電子政務
5.2.6 Network Model of Economic Organization經濟組織的網絡模式
5.3 Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)電子數據交換
5.3.1 Early Business Information Interchange Efforts 早期的業務信息交換
5.3.2 Emergence of Broader EDI Standards 廣泛標準的出現
5.3.4 Value-Added Networks 增值網
Direct Connection Between Trading Partners 貿易夥伴間的直接連接方式
Direct Connection Between Trading Partners
Indirect Connection Between Trading Partners 貿易夥伴間的間接連接方式
Indirect Connection Between Trading Partners
VAN 增值網
5.4 EDI on the Internet 互聯網上的EDI
5.4.1 Open Architecture of the Internet互聯網的開放式體係結構
5.4.2 Financial EDI金融EDI
Hybrid EDI Solutions 混合的EDI解決方案
5.5 Supply Chain Management 供應鏈管理
5.5.1 Value Creation in the Supply Chain供應鏈中的價值創造
Value Creation in the Supply Chain供應鏈中的價值創造
Internet Technologies in the Supply Chain供應鏈中的網絡技術
表5-3 Internet Technologies in the Supply Chain 供應鏈中的網絡技術
Increasing Efficiency in the Supply Chain提高供應鏈的效率
Technology in the Supply Chain 供應鏈技術
Using Technology to Create an Ultimate Consumer Orientation 建立消費者導向
5.5.3 Building and Maintaining Trust in the Supply Chain 建立與維係供應鏈的信任
5.6 Electronic Marketplaces and Portals電子集市與門戶
Electronic Marketplaces and Portals電子集市與門戶
5.6.1 Industry Marketplaces 行業集市
Industry Marketplaces行業集市
5.6.2 Private Stores and Customer Portals 專門店鋪與客戶門戶
Private Stores and Customer Portals專屬店鋪與客戶門戶
5.6.3 Private Company Marketplaces 專屬電子集市
Private Company Marketplaces 私人電子集市
5.6.4 Industry Consortia-Sponsored Marketplaces 行業共同電子集市

