經濟管理學及財務知識分析人雙語版(DOC 55頁)
經濟管理學及財務知識分析人雙語版(DOC 55頁)簡介:
Mr Meeker is anxious not to “sell the factory”. He invited the Argentine executive who bought Cuartetera’s clone to form a partnership with Crestview instead of cloning the horse himself. The executive agreed and, despite being offered $2m for another Cuartetera, the partners pledged not to sell any more clones of the same horse. Instead they will channel some clones to competition, and sell the ovules and sperm of others to breeders. “The idea is not to have games where four Cuarteteras are playing four Cuarteteras,” insists Mr Meeker.
Crestview has created 60 clones so far, and Mr Meeker hopes to produce between 20 and 30 next year. That will not keep pace with demand, however: one eager player has requested 100 copies of the same horse. Kheiron, which can clone 10-20 horses a year, is booked solid through half of 2014. Firms that clone polo ponies are set to mint it.