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我國不良資產國有銀行現狀處理方法(doc 14頁)

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資產, 國有銀行現狀, 處理方法
我國不良資產國有銀行現狀處理方法(doc 14頁)內容簡介

Policy loans
SOEs versus private sector
High level of debt of Chinese companies
Interest rate control
Low base rate; lower than USA, India and Korea
Low spread between the deposit and lending rates
Laeven and Majnoni (2003): in 2000, China: 3.6% and average of 106 countries: 6.67%
Poor management and moral hazard
Increase in total amount of loans
In 2003, the net increase was RMB 2,770 billions (24% total loans between 1991-2003)
Decrease in NPLs
Capital injection by government
Transfer of NPLs to AMCs
In Q2 of 2003, NPLs increased by RMB 18.3 billion after taking into account of NPLs transfers
Change in maturity structure of loans

Capital injection by government
Establishment of AMCs
Financing of AMCs
Methods of asset disposal
Equity-debt swap
Asset backed securities
Increasingly more difficult
Direct disposal by four SOCBs

NPLs continue to emerge in large amount
The new NPLs in the next three years will be between RMB 600 billion to 1,050 billion
(Zhong, 2004).
Liberalization of banking sector
Capital injection by government is becoming more limited
Rapid increase in government debt

