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怎樣去衡量你的財務體質並進行規劃(ppt 49頁)

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財務體質, 規劃
怎樣去衡量你的財務體質並進行規劃(ppt 49頁)內容簡介

Using a Balance Sheet to Measure Your Wealth使用資產負債表來衡量你的財富
Your Assets: What You Own 資產: 你所擁有的
Monetary Assets:貨幣性資產
Investment Assets: 投資資產
Retirement Plans: 退休計畫
Housing / Real Estate: 房屋/不動產
Automobiles and Other Vehicles:汽車
Personal Property: 個人資產
Other Assets: 其它資產
Your Liabilities: What You Owe你的負債:你所賒欠的
Current Liabilities流動負債
Long-term Liabilities長期負債
Your Net Worth: A Measure of Your Wealth你的淨值:衡量你的財富
Using an Income Statement to Trace Your Money使用損益表來追蹤你的財務
Income: Where Your Money Comes From收益:你的財務從何而來
Expenditures: Where Your Money Goes支出:你的財富往何處去
Where Does It Go, On Average?平均來說,家庭支出都用到什麼地方?
Using Ratios: A Financial Thermometer使用比率:一個財務的溫度計
Question 1: Do You Have Adequate Liquidity?問題1:你有適當的變現能力嗎?
Current Ratio流動比率
Current Ratio Interpretation流動比率的解釋
Month’s Living Expenses Covered Ratio每月生活支出涵蓋比率
Month’s Living Expenses Covered Ratio Interpretation每月生活支出涵蓋比率的解釋
Question 2: Can You Meet Your Debt Obligations?問題2:我有能力去麵對我的債務責任嗎?
Debt Ratio負債比率
Debt Ratio Interpretation負債比率的解釋
Long-term Debt Coverage Ratio長期負債支應比率
Long-term Debt Coverage Ratio Interpretation長期負債支應比率的解釋
Question 3: Are You Saving As Much As You Think?問題3:我可以存和我想要的一樣多的錢嗎?
Savings Ratio儲蓄比率
Savings Ratio Interpretation儲蓄比率的解釋
Record Keeping保持紀錄
Record Keeping (cont’d)保持紀錄(續)
Ways to Track Expenditures追蹤支出的方法
Personal Income Taxes個人所得稅
A Financial Plan:
理財規劃:A Plan for the Future為未來編製一個計畫
A Cash Budget:現金預算:
A Plan for Today今日的計畫
Putting It All Together: Budgeting將它放在一起:預算
Developing a Cash Budget發展一個現金預算
Calculating the Bottom Line計算底線
Calculating the Bottom Line計算底線
Implementing a Cash Budget執行現金預算
Managing Your Own Affairs Versus Hiring a Professional自己理財或委由專家理財
Paying Your Financial Planner:理財規劃師的付費方式
Choosing a Professional Planner選擇專業規劃師
Choosing a Professional Planner (cont’d)選擇專業規劃師(續)
Summary (cont’d)摘要(續)

