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某年度我國IT行業市場分析報告(ppt 77頁)

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年度, it行業, 行業市場分析, 市場分析報告
某年度我國IT行業市場分析報告(ppt 77頁)內容簡介
Executive Summary
In 2000, China’s GDP reached US$1.08 trillion making it one ofthe top 5 economies in the world. According to the ChinaNational Bureau of Statistics (NSB), China’s official GDP growthin 2000 was 8%, exceeding the official forecast by a slightmargin.
In 2000, the overall traditional IT market in China reachedUS$16.18 billion, a growth of 43.7% over 1999. IDC forecasts the2000-2005 Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) for China’sIT market will reach 24.6%.
In 2000, China made up 23.6% of the IT market in the
Asia/Pacific region (ex Japan), with Australia (23.7%)holdingonly a tenth of a percentage point more of the market. SouthKorea was the next largest IT market with a 15.6% share. IDCexpects that in 2001 China will surpass Australia to become thelargest Asia/Pacific IT market. By 2005, China will hold almosttwo-fifths (39.7%) of the total Asia/Pacific IT market.
The largest regional IT markets in China continue to be theeastern coast regions of Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou. In2000, their combined revenue totaled US$11.98 billion, or74.0% of the total IT market. The IT market in China’s centraland western regions of Chengdu, Xi’an, and Shenyangmaintained steady growth, although they continue to accountfor only 26.0% of the total IT market. Separately, these 3geographies represented 12.5%, 6.9%, and 6.6% of the ITmarket respectively.
