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安全心理學培訓課程(ppt 74頁)

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安全心理, 心理學培訓, 培訓課程
安全心理學培訓課程(ppt 74頁)內容簡介
The Psychology of Safety
What This Presentation is NOT!
Presentation Objective
If you have any questions please hold them until the end
Information Sources
Do you consider yourself a safe person?
Do you observe the safety management programs that your company has prepared for its employees?
Do you utilize your training, experience and safety equipment and procedures for protecting yourself and others on jobsites?
Do You…
QUIZ:Unsafe acts (behavior) account for __ % of accidents and injuries?
An Ounce of Prevention is Worth…
Why do we still place so much time and money into correcting unsafe conditions when more times than not the root cause is human behavior—ability to recognize a hazard and make the proper decision?
Does Changing One’s Behavior Toward Safety Really Work?
How many of you work with unsafe coworkers?
They just don’t get it!
The Psychology of Safe Behavior There appears to be three critical elements that shape our thought and reasoning processes and how we display that in the form of safety behavior (our actions)
The Mental Side of Safety
Basis for Unsafe Behavior
Aside from your safety behavior in the workplace, should your employer care about your safety off the job?
Why is Good Safety Behavior Important at Work AND Away From Work?
Why is Safety Important at Work AND Away From Work?
How many of you personally have…
Three Primary Safety Behavior Components
#1Learning Processes
Characteristics of Adult Learners
It is Estimated . . .
Adults Will Remember…
Effective Training and Learning Techniques often involve the following sequence…
So…How Does the Learning Aspect of my Training Impact My Safety Behavior
#2Motivationand Influence
Nothing says motivation like…
Factors that Shape Motivation
Factors that Shape Motivation
Factors that Shape Motivation Risk
Factors that Shape Motivation
Motivation…Final Thought
#3Attentionand Focus
Attention—Nighttime Work Zone Safety
Attention and Mental Focus
Pay Attention!
Attention Improvement Techniques
Final Thoughts
Wouldn’t it just be easier if…
Thank YouNAWIC for this opportunityHave a safe, controlled behavior, conference

