中國銀行業的競爭優勢(pdf 50頁)(英文)
Executive Summary
1. Where Is China’s Banking Industry Today?
1.1 Reforms underway: shift occurring to market-driven environment
1.2 Market is large but still in a nascent and emerging phase
1.3 Three key challenges facing the industry
1.4 Banking industry is at a major crossroads today
2. What Competitive Scenarios Are Likely To Play Out?
2.1 Landscapes - defined by geography and product
2.2 Five possible competitive scenarios
2.3 Inferences for China and the banks
2.4 What should the banks do now?
3. What Are The Priorities For Chinese Banks To Compete?
3.1 Priority 1 : Strengthen organization and corporate governance
3.2 Priority 2 : Develop a segmented service capability
3.3 Priority 3 : Build a strong risk management framework and culture
3.4 Priority 4 : Maximize operational efficiency
3.5 Priority 5 : Use partnerships for competitive advantage
4. How Should Banks Begin To Create Winning Game Plans?
4.1 The importance of strategic planning
4.2 Key strategic planning challenges in China
5. What Are The Key Implications For Management?
6. Conclusions CONTENTS
China’s accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO)marked a new era in the global economy. For the first time after more than forty years in a controlled market, China took the step towards fully opening its doors to foreign trade partners. Step by step, these partners will establish their bases in China, enjoying equal access to one of the biggest and fastest growing economies in the world.