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某公司社會環境責任管理分析報告(ppt 55頁)

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公司, 社會環境責任, 責任管理, 管理分析報告
某公司社會環境責任管理分析報告(ppt 55頁)內容簡介

GRI element Report section or indicator Page
1.1 Sustainable development An introduction to the issues we face 2–11
vision and strategy CEO statement 14
Vision and Strategy 15–16
1.2 CEO statement CEO statement 14
2.1 Name of reporting organisation Group profile 17
2.2 Major products, services and brands Group profile 17
2.3 Operational structure Corporate governance 20–21
2.4 Description of customer groups Group profile 17
2.5 Location of adidas-Salomon operations Group profile 17
2.6 Nature of ownership Group profile 17
2.7 Nature of markets served Group profile 17
2.8 Scale of reporting organisation Group profile 17
2.9 List of adidas-Salomon stakeholders Stakeholders 22
2.10 Contact person(s) for the report Contact us 52
2.11 Reporting period CEO statement 14
2.12 Date of previous report Introduction 12
2.13 Boundaries of the report An introduction to the issues we face 2–11
About the report and GRI 49
2.14 Significant changes in size, structure, Not applicable
ownership or products
2.15 Basis for reporting on joint ventures An introduction to the issues we face 2–11
2.16 Explanation of any re-statements Not applicable
of information in previous reports
2.17 Decisions not to apply GRI principles About the report and GRI 49
2.18 Criteria/definitions used Not reported
2.19 Significant changes in methods Improving the way we work with suppliers 27–32
2.20 Policies and practices on accuracy, Suppliers 25–26
completeness and reliability Improving the way we work with suppliers 27–32
2.21 Policy for independent assurance Not reported 49
2.22 Obtaining additional information About this report and GRI 49
Contact us 52

GRI element Report section or indicator Page
3.1 Governance structure of adidas-Salomon Corporate governance 20–21
3.2 Independent, non-executive Directors Not reported
3.3 Process for determining the expertise Not reported
of Board members
3.4 Process for identification and Corporate governance 20
management of risks
3.5 Executive compensation and Not reported
achievement of company goals
3.6 Organisational structure and key Corporate governance 20–21
individuals for implementation and audit Suppliers 26
3.7 Mission and values statements, Standards of Engagement 11
internally developed codes Vision and strategy 15–16
Suppliers 25–26
Improving the way we work with suppliers 27–32
3.8 Mechanisms for shareholders Corporate governance 20
to provide recommendations
3.9 Identification and selection Stakeholders 22–24
of major stakeholders
3.10 Stakeholder consultation CEO statement 14
Stakeholders 22–24
3.11 & 3.12 Information from CEO statement 14
stakeholder consultation and its use Stakeholders 22–24
3.13 The precautionary principle Not reported
3.14 Voluntary charters or other initiatives Stakeholders 24
Throughout the report 29, 38, 40, 43, 44
3.15 Industry and business Corporate governance 20–21
associations memberships Stakeholders 22–24
3.16 & 3.17 Policies and systems for managing Corporate governance 20–21
upstream and downstream impacts and Suppliers 25–26
approach to managing indirect impacts Our performance 27, 29, 32, 34–35, 37–38, 40–44
3.18 Major decisions on operational changes Improving the way we work with suppliers 27–32
3.19 Programs and procedures Improving the way we work with suppliers 27–32
Progress against targets 46–47
Targets for 2003 48
3.20 Certification pertaining to Our performance 29–32, 37–38, 40

GRI element Report section or indicator Page
EC1 Net sales Group profile 19
EC2 Geographic breakdown of markets Group profile 17
EC3 Costs of all materials purchased Not reported
EC4 Percent of contracts paid by agreed terms Not reported
EC5 Total payroll and benefits Not reported
EC6 Distributions to providers of capital Not reported
EC7 Change in retained earnings Group profile 19
EC8 Total sum of taxes Not reported
EC9 Subsidies received Not reported
EC10 Community donations Community involvement* 44
EN1 Total materials use (excluding water) Environment* 40, 42–43
EN2 Percentage of waste materials used Not reported
EN3 & EN4 Direct and indirect energy use Environment* 40
EN5 Total water use Environment* 40
EN6 Biodiversity Not reported
EN7 Impacts on biodiversity Not reported
EN8 Greenhouse gas emissions Not reported
EN9 Ozone-depleting substances Not reported
EN10 NOx, SOx and other air emissions Not reported
EN11 Total amount of waste Environment* 40
EN12 Significant discharges to water Environment* 40
EN13 Significant spills Not reported
EN14 Environmental impacts of Standards of Engagement 11
products and services Environment* 40
EN15 Reclaimable product after useful life Environment* 40, 43
EN16 Incidents and fines Not reported
EN31 Hazardous waste Environment* 41–43
EN33 Environmental performance of suppliers Environment 40–43
EN34 Environmental impacts of transportation Environment* 43

GRI element Report section or indicator Page
LA1 Workforce breakdown Group profile 17–18
Suppliers 25
LA2 Net employment creation Not reported
LA3 Employees represented by Not reported
trade union organisations
LA4 Policy and procedure relating Corporate governance 20–21
to consultation with employees
LA5 Notification of occupational Health and safety* 37–38
accidents and diseases
LA6 Joint health and safety committees Health and safety* 37–38
LA7 Injury, lost day and absentee rates Health and safety* 37–38
LA8 Policies and programmes on HIV/AIDS Health and safety* 38
LA9 Average hours of training per year Our performance 27–29, 32–33, 38, 40
LA10 Equal opportunity policies and programs Employee standards* 33–36
LA11 Composition of senior management Group profile 17
Corporate governance 20
HR1 Policies and guidelines Standards of Engagement 11
dealing with human rights Our performance 27–38
HR2 Consideration of human rights Suppliers 25–26
impacts as part of investment decisions Improving the way we work with suppliers 27–32
HR3 Policies and procedures to evaluate Standards of Engagement 11
human rights Suppliers 25–26
Throughout performance section 27–39
HR4 Global policy preventing discrimination Standards of Engagement 11
Suppliers 25–26
Throughout performance section 27–39
HR5 Freedom of association policies Corporate governance 20–21
HR6 Policy excluding child labour Standards of Engagement 11
(ILO Convention 138) Our performance 27–34,36
HR7 Policy to prevent forced Standards of Engagement 11
and compulsory labour Our performance 27–36
HR8 Training on policies and practices Our performance 27–29, 33
human rights
adidas-Salomon social and environmental report 2002 /// 51
GRI element Report section or indicator Page
SO1 Policies to manage impacts Standards of Engagement 11
on communities Community involvement 44
SO2 Policies to address bribery and corruption Not reported
SO3 Policies to address political lobbying Not reported
and contributions
PR1 Policy for preserving customer Not reported
health and safety
PR2 Policy relating to product information Not reported
and labelling
PR3 Policy relating to consumer privacy Not reported
* We have referred to programmes in place to address these issues with our supply chain in the section indicated. Information on our
own performance has not been reported.

